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Your Story

Our Mission

We compose stories that propel movements.

The world will never stop and ask you about the good work you're doing.  It's your job to tell them, and our job to make sure they listen.

We See You.

You're one helluva changemaker.

You're not just an advocate for change; kindly cheering from the sidelines. You're a force, a visionary with big goals and an even bigger heart.


Between the high-stakes tug-of-war of stakeholder interests, a maze of red tape, and the constant quest to quantify your impact, it's not just about having a voice; it's about amplifying it in a sea of noise and resistance. 


You want to build a legacy and shape the narrative, not just follow it. You bring a lot to the table, and you're making some ripples. But you know your potential, and you want to make WAVES! 


And that's exactly why you're our kind of leader.

We help shape narratives for leaders who are reshaping the world.


What We Do

Composing Narratives, Cultivating Change.

An integrated impact communications firm where every story brings an opportunity to inspire change. We are a team of audacious thinkers, empathetic listeners, and skilled storytellers who specialize in helping you transform your vision into influential narratives that resonate deeply with your audience and propel meaningful change.


Our suite of services is meticulously designed to meet the unique needs of today's forward-thinking social impact leaders, empowering them to articulate their mission, engage stakeholders, and amplify their impact with mindful authenticity and intentional precision.


We don’t just talk change; we breathe life into it.

Our Expertise

We help you bridge the gap between your purpose-driven initiatives and the perceptions of your stakeholders, turning aspirational goals into measurable impacts and narratives that resonate deeply and authentically.

What ...

Brand Positioning & Purpose Strategy

Campaign Development

Health Communications

Impact Measurement

Impact Messaging

Impact Programming

Impact/Public Relations

Mindful Messaging

Online Reputation Management

Reporting & Transparency

Stakeholder Engagement

Storytelling & Content Creation

Strategic Communications

Social Impact Consulting

Thought Leadership

Training & Capacity Building

Workshop & Course Design

For ...

Corporate Social Impact (CSR, ESG, DEI)

Community / Public Health (SDG)

Consumer Goods & Retail



Social Enterprises & B Corporations

Your story is a harmonious dance between message and medium, thought and emotion.

We're here to help you compose it.

We're Compositions

Creative Mavericks. Strategic Thinkers.

When it comes to corporate social impact, messaging counts.


Words and images shape cultures, norms, and behaviors; they can undo advances or they can propel positive change. In the maze of social change, articulating your impact, aligning your mission with your actions, engaging diverse stakeholders, and elevating your voice in a sea of noise is not easy.


We get it.


At Compositions, we are the bridge between your aspirations and the world's perceptions.

We craft narratives that resonate and engage, transforming challenges into opportunities for meaningful change.


Driven by the belief that visionary organizations can lead and inspire a better tomorrow, we're dedicated to making your story heard.


Together, we'll compose your message with the evidence of a scientist, the precision of a master writer, and the vision of an artist.


With Compositions, you don't just share your impact—you live it every day.

Ready to shift from a player in the game to a game-changer?

Yeah, you are.

Get in Touch

With Compositions,

your story isn't just told;

it's felt,

it's lived,

it's a movement.

It's time to compose your impact story.

Drop us a line today.

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Where the art of storytelling meets the science of impact.


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